Robot Recruiters – Promises and Pitfalls

The Promise and Perils of AI in Recruiting

Companies have started using A.I. bots and algorithms to help with hiring – like scanning resumes and deciding who gets interviews. Good news – this tech can take a load off HR teams with piles of applications to sort through! These robo-recruiters can zip through finding keywords way faster than a human.

But here’s the catch – almost half of job seekers still think these bots can be pretty biased. There’s also worries A.I. models themselves learn funny business from unfair examples they’re trained on!

So what to do? Well recruiters and hiring managers still have choices here:

1. You’ve got to pick screening software carefully – we can all use help but need to make sure Johnny Bot 3000 isn’t secretly Mr. Discrimination under the hood. That means testing these robots a ton in advance before unleashing them on applicants.

2. It’s good to have humans double check robot decisions.

3. Listen to feedback directly from candidates – if particular groups keep raising flags about unfair experiences, take that seriously! Maybe your tech needs more tweaking. Or at minimum, folks deserve explanations.

This is all new turf, but bot recruiters are here to stay. Ones doing it right? They’ll be huge assets helping companies AND job hunters spend less time on the tedious apply/sort stuff. But like all tech, it has to be implemented carefully and be refined as we go. No one wants to trade old biases for new high-tech ones. So let’s work together to avoid that.

(1) Source: American Staffing Association





Written by

Lileah Akiode


Lileah Akiode is the Managing Director of The Black Diamond Agency, a recruitment firm dedicated to connecting talented people with rewarding career opportunities. With a strong background in Talent Acquisition across different corporate retailers, Lileah brings a wealth of experience to ensure a seamless and positive candidate experience. In addition to corporate retail, Lileah also experience supporting the Financial Services and IT industries.


Mastering Workload Management

Tips For Success   In today’s fast-paced business world, employees across various industries are grappling with expanding workloads and mounting pressure. The current economic climate means that many organizations are forced to do more with less, prompting managers to demand unprecedented levels of efficiency and productivity from their...

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Job Descriptions: Your Key to Hiring Success

Discover How to Write Job Ads That Stand Out and Attract Top Talent   In the ever-evolving realm of recruitment, where candidate and employer priorities shift, new roles emerge and technologies advance, one element remains steadfast: the significance of job descriptions. Beyond mere checklists of skills, job descriptions serve as gateways to...

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Unlocking Career Success

Reignite Your Motivation   Motivation serves as the cornerstone of career success. The more inspired you are in your role, the greater your potential for achieving superior levels of productivity and efficiency. Additionally, highly motivated employees tend to experience greater satisfaction and fulfillment in their professional...

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How to Optimize Employee Experience in 2024

Goals for a Productive 2024 Workplace


The workplace has changed a lot over the last few years. According to a  McKinsey’s study of over 1,000 people, employees crave trust, social connections and meaningful impact at work. Employees want to feel their contributions are appreciated and recognized.

Developing an exceptional employee experience is crucial for businesses to attract and retain talent in a skills-short market. Companies face an “exodus” of overwhelmed, exhausted, and burned-out employees looking for better opportunities.

Failure to adapt to the evolving needs of the modern workforce places businesses at risk of lost productivity, damage to their employer brands, and rapid turnover.

Fortunately, business leaders can invest in more robust employee experiences in various ways.

Benefits of Improving Employee Experience 

Understanding the core motivators of today’s top talent is crucial. Purpose, personal growth, and a sense of belonging have become pivotal factors. Creating an outstanding employee experience is no longer a luxury but a necessity to unlock the full potential of the workforce.

Why is this important? The answer lies in the transformative power of employees who feel valued, heard, and supported. When people experience a genuine connection with their workplace, their passion becomes a driving force. This, in turn, propels them to exceed expectations and contribute to innovative strides that propel companies forward.

Numerous studies conducted by Gartner underline the correlation between employer support for team well-being and a substantial increase in high performers—specifically, a remarkable 21% uptick. Leaders who cultivate cultures of inclusivity, where every employee feels welcomed, valued, and empowered, unlock substantial benefits for both individuals and the organization as a whole Some of these benefits are: 

  • Reduction in turnover: Many employees who quit their roles cite a lack of recognition and positive experiences as a critical reason for leaving. If you improve this part of your culture then you will retain more of your people.
  • Improved engagement: Employees who are happy at work are more engaged and more committed to supporting business growth. One study found that organizations in the top quartile for employee engagement achieve up to 21% higher levels of profitability.
  • Greater access to talent: A positive employee experience shines through in a company’s employer brand, helping to attract talent. This makes recruiting top talent easier.
  • Enhanced productivity: Engaged, happy employees put up to 57% more effort into their work than their counterparts. 
  • Improved company culture: A better company culture, built on satisfied and engaged employees, not only strengthens your employer brand but also leads to more collaborative, cooperative teams who can work together to innovate and unlock new opportunities


Key Ideas and Strategies for Employers

Studies show that companies with personalized employee experiences see a boost in productivity. But how do you achieve that? McKinsey provides the answer: a systematic approach that considers your workforce’s unique needs throughout their journey with your brand

1. Identify and Transform Employee Journeys

The first step in developing an incredible employee experience is identifying the key elements of the “employee journey” and how employees interact with your company. Leaders in the company should have a clear and aligned view of a great experience, based on their knowledge of their team members and priorities.

It makes sense for most organizations to start with the onboarding experience. An excellent onboarding experience can improve new hire retention by up to 82% and increase productivity by more than 70%.

Create a comprehensive plan for the new employee’s first few weeks, focusing on making them feel connected to the company culture and supported by the business. Help your new associate cultivate relationships between teams, feel comfortable in the office environment and answer any questions they may have about the business.

2. Create a Positive Work Environment

94% of business leaders and 88% of job seekers say a healthy culture is crucial for success in the workplace. Creating a positive work environment goes beyond simply designing contemporary offices.

Businesses today need to focus on nurturing inclusivity, diversity, and psychological safety. Excellent DEI initiatives are critical to creating innovative, forward-thinking organizations, where team members thrive. Train your managers and other team members to demonstrate inclusivity in everything they do, and watch for instances of unintentional bias.

Other factors that can improve a work environment include:

  • Transparent leadership: Ensure leaders consistently share insights and knowledge with team members. Focus on ensuring employees are informed and have a clear view of the vision and mission of the business.
  • Constant communication: Commit to facilitating open and consistent communication between teams. Invest in tools that allow remote and virtual employees to connect with in-person employees on a deeper level.
  • Collaboration: Facilitate the development of cross-departmental relationships by encouraging collaboration between teams. Introduce regular team-building exercises that bring people with different perspectives together.

3. Commit to Employee Development and Growth

Employees value access to resources, training initiatives and experiences that facilitate growth. Up to 69% of employees say they’ll stay with a company longer if that business invests in their professional development.

Investing in mentorship opportunities, career development plans, and training strategies helps empower every employee to achieve their full potential. These initiatives help deepen relationships between team members and increase “buy-in” for the business.

Plus, developing and training your team members ensures your organization can stay competitive as the marketplace continues to evolve. Even giving team members access to short courses and classes online can make a huge difference.

4. Recognize and Reward Team Members

92% of millennials say recognition of their hard work and accomplishments is either important or very important to their satisfaction. Regularly recognizing team members for their work is crucial to cultivating long-term engagement and a positive culture.

There are various ways to show employee recognition, from bonuses for achieving specific goals to simply thanking employees for their work (especially if someone has gone above and beyond their role).

The key to successful employee recognition is finding out what motivates and engages each person on your team and then recognizing them in that way.

 5. Invest in Work-Life Balance

Research shows people who believe they have a good work/life balance work up to 21% harder than those who don’t. This increased effort comes from increased feelings of engagement with both the company they work with, and their role.

Investing in work-life balance can include everything from implementing remote work policies to offering flexible schedules. Encourage employees to take regular breaks and take advantage of paid time off.

Additionally, consider implementing wellness programs and resources that support good mental and physical health. This will reduce absenteeism and enhance workplace morale.

6. Introduce the Right Technology and Tools

The right workplace technology transforms employee experiences for the better. How? By eliminating frustrating and time-consuming tasks that hurt productivity.

 For example, upgrading tools with intuitive, user-friendly solutions removes frustrations. This prevents bottlenecks in key workstreams. With seamless systems aligned to exact team needs, people get more done with less hassle.

 Unlocking the Value of Employee Experience

Investing in excellent employee experiences isn’t just crucial to enhancing your employer brand and attracting critical talent. It’s vital to ensuring high levels of engagement, increased innovation, and reduced turnover.

With the help of a recruitment team, you can bring focus on employee experience into every aspect of your recruitment and retention journey, paving the way for business growth.

When your employees are happy and engaged, your business thrives. Implement the strategies above, and remember to collect regular feedback from employees.


Written by

Lileah Akiode


Lileah Akiode is the Managing Director of The Black Diamond Agency, a recruitment firm dedicated to connecting talented people with rewarding career opportunities. With a strong background in Talent Acquisition across different corporate retailers, Lileah brings a wealth of experience to ensure a seamless and positive candidate experience. In addition to corporate retail, Lileah also experience supporting the Financial Services and IT industries.


Mastering Workload Management

Tips For Success   In today’s fast-paced business world, employees across various industries are grappling with expanding workloads and mounting pressure. The current economic climate means that many organizations are forced to do more with less, prompting managers to demand unprecedented levels of efficiency and productivity from their...

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Job Descriptions: Your Key to Hiring Success

Discover How to Write Job Ads That Stand Out and Attract Top Talent   In the ever-evolving realm of recruitment, where candidate and employer priorities shift, new roles emerge and technologies advance, one element remains steadfast: the significance of job descriptions. Beyond mere checklists of skills, job descriptions serve as gateways to...

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Unlocking Career Success

Reignite Your Motivation   Motivation serves as the cornerstone of career success. The more inspired you are in your role, the greater your potential for achieving superior levels of productivity and efficiency. Additionally, highly motivated employees tend to experience greater satisfaction and fulfillment in their professional...

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Revitalizing Your Employer Brand

Navigating the Post-Pandemic Landscape


All businesses have an employer brand, whether they actively work on it or not. If you haven’t been giving much thought to your employer branding recently, then now is the time to start.

Your employer brand is the way the world sees you; from your products and services, to your mission, vision, ethos and your team – yes, there is a lot to consider!

The question is – how should your employer brand be positioning your company in our post-pandemic world? The world has changed, and it is more crucial than ever that your employer brand is positioning you above your competitors.

In today’s blog, we look at the crucial elements of employer branding in our post-pandemic world.

What is Employer Branding?

Your employer brand is your talent attraction magnet. It’s also the way your customers view your business – the reason people interact with your organization and the way the wider world views your company.

But for the purpose of today’s article, we’re going to be focusing on employer brand in terms of talent attraction. And specifically, employer branding in our post-pandemic world. What worked pre-pandemic will not necessarily work now; the best talent is looking for certain things they weren’t a year ago, so let’s look at what they are.

A Considerate Brand

The pandemic has brought down barriers in ways that we could never have expected. Now more than ever what people are looking for from the organizations they interact with, and specifically the organizations they want to work for, is that they have a personal, considerate approach to being an employer.

People are now looking for reassurance and support wherever they turn – from their friends, their family, and especially their employer.

Transparency is key here too. If you’ve had to make lay-offs in certain areas, but senior management have received bonuses, how will this look to candidates who are researching your brand?

It can be tricky getting the balance here right, but everyone is aware of how tough things have been during the pandemic. Being honest and transparent about the decisions your business has made is key – candidates are increasingly turning away from brands that are seen to be dishonest about their practices.

A Focus on Health and Wellbeing

A big factor for candidates is how much of a focus you have on health and wellbeing. Wellbeing and particularly mental health have been gaining traction in the employment world for some time, but the pandemic has skyrocketed their importance. Your post-pandemic employer brand needs to ensure candidates that you are treating the health and wellbeing of your workforce with the utmost importance.

This includes:

Prioritizing clarity and caution – the virus hasn’t gone away yet, and brands who maintain an excellent focus on physically protecting their employees with excellent Covid-19 procedures will be viewed by candidates favorably.

– Offering flexible working (where possible) – allowing employees to work from home, and being flexible on the matter is what the best candidates will be looking for.

– Offering real help to support employee health and wellbeing – do you encourage physical health in your employees? Do you champion mental wellbeing and strive to be a compassionate employer – if so, will candidates know this from looking at your website or social media?

Showing that you are dedicated to health and wellbeing is not about bragging about it on social media – it’s about demonstrating your values in a way that’s easy for candidates to find and communicate your wellbeing offering in an honest and transparent way.

A Communicative Brand

Communication was the one thing that kept us together during the pandemic, and the way you continue to communicate with candidates during the ongoing crisis and afterwards will be a significant part of your employer brand going forwards.

Your social media channels are the first port of call for candidates to contact you, and your followers (which will include potential future candidates) are still the number one place to maintain your employer brand.

But some organizations stepped away from posting anything on social media during the pandemic. Some thought it insensitive; others simply didn’t know what to post during the highly changeable time. But posting online to maintain your employer brand doesn’t always have to be about self-promotion.

There are many different types of content you can share on your social channels to alert candidates to what type of employer you are, and what your company is focusing on in our post-pandemic world.

This can include:

– Industry updates

– Helpful articles which could be of interest to your employees and candidates including think pieces either from your own company or from an industry thought-leader

– Updates about your company – have you launched new products or services? Have you celebrated a milestone recently? Moved offices? People love to see ‘human’ updates from real people about real people (your team).

– And of course – your latest job openings.

Giving Candidates a Sense of Purpose

Finally, a sense of purpose is another major factor that great candidates are now looking for in their post-pandemic employers.

Meaningful work is increasingly what millennials are looking for – and this section of workers now makes up the largest part of the worldwide workforce.

The Deloitte 2020 talent survey states that employers should provide meaningful work or they will struggle to attract and retain their workforce.

What is it about your company that makes your employees feel as though they are making a positive difference to the world?


If you’re looking for new talent for your organization and are struggling to find the ‘right’ candidates – we can help. Get in touch with us at 919-813-2454 or email us at Info@TheBlackDiamondAgency.com and we will help you find the talent that you have been looking for.



Written by

Lileah Akiode


Lileah Akiode is the Managing Director of The Black Diamond Agency, a recruitment firm dedicated to connecting talented people with rewarding career opportunities. With a strong background in Talent Acquisition across different corporate retailers, Lileah brings a wealth of experience to ensure a seamless and positive candidate experience. In addition to corporate retail, Lileah also experience supporting the Financial Services and IT industries.


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Job Descriptions: Your Key to Hiring Success

Discover How to Write Job Ads That Stand Out and Attract Top Talent   In the ever-evolving realm of recruitment, where candidate and employer priorities shift, new roles emerge and technologies advance, one element remains steadfast: the significance of job descriptions. Beyond mere checklists of skills, job descriptions serve as gateways to...

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Reignite Your Motivation   Motivation serves as the cornerstone of career success. The more inspired you are in your role, the greater your potential for achieving superior levels of productivity and efficiency. Additionally, highly motivated employees tend to experience greater satisfaction and fulfillment in their professional...

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