Mastering Workload Management

Tips For Success   In today’s fast-paced business world, employees across various industries are grappling with expanding workloads and mounting pressure. The current economic climate means that many organizations are forced to do more with less, prompting managers to demand unprecedented levels of efficiency and productivity from their...

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Job Descriptions: Your Key to Hiring Success

Discover How to Write Job Ads That Stand Out and Attract Top Talent   In the ever-evolving realm of recruitment, where candidate and employer priorities shift, new roles emerge and technologies advance, one element remains steadfast: the significance of job descriptions. Beyond mere checklists of skills, job descriptions serve as gateways to...

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Unlocking Career Success

Reignite Your Motivation   Motivation serves as the cornerstone of career success. The more inspired you are in your role, the greater your potential for achieving superior levels of productivity and efficiency. Additionally, highly motivated employees tend to experience greater satisfaction and fulfillment in their professional...

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Unleash Your Career Potential

A Guide to Making Empowering Moves   Ready to take control of your career? You’re not alone! The average employee changes roles every 2-3 years. But these transitions aren’t just about a change of scenery. They’re about growth, discovery, and propelling yourself towards your career goals. This guide will equip you with the...

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Celebrating Black-Owned Businesses for Black History Month

As Featured by the Raleigh Chamber and Triangle DEI Alliance   We are honored to be recently highlighted by the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce as part of their Celebrating Black-Owned Businesses for Black History Month initiative. We are proud to be a part of this vibrant community and are dedicated to supporting Black leadership and...

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Finding the Right Recruiter

6 Ways to Spot the Right Recruiter for You   Whether you’re re-entering the workforce after a short break or ready to take the next step in your career path with an exciting new role, a recruiter can be a valuable resource. In today’s skills-short landscape, studies show it can take six months to find a new job. The more competitive your...

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Personal Branding

Why Developing Your Personal Brand is a Good Idea   In today’s competitive job market, a strong personal brand is more valuable than you’d think. Employers searching for top talent no longer consider only a person’s esume, cover letter, and credentials. They examine your entire personal brand, looking at the characteristics and...

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Robot Recruiters – Promises and Pitfalls

The Promise and Perils of AI in Recruiting Companies have started using A.I. bots and algorithms to help with hiring – like scanning resumes and deciding who gets interviews. Good news – this tech can take a load off HR teams with piles of applications to sort through! These robo-recruiters can zip through finding keywords way faster...

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How to Optimize Employee Experience in 2024

Goals for a Productive 2024 Workplace   The workplace has changed a lot over the last few years. According to a  McKinsey’s study of over 1,000 people, employees crave trust, social connections and meaningful impact at work. Employees want to feel their contributions are appreciated and recognized. Developing an exceptional employee...

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Talent Planning in 2024

Top Tips for Success   Your people are your greatest asset. Having a skilled and engaged workforce is how you accomplish team and company goals and dominate in business. But with major skill shortages, building an all-star team is more difficult than ever. You need a strategic plan to attract and retain top performers.  Let’s delve...

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Acing the Competency-Based Interview

Your Guide to Landing the Job   The job search ain’t what it used to be. Today, you need more than just a polished resume to stand out from other candidates. Hiring managers are now using video assessments, virtual interviews, and behavioral questions to evaluate candidates’ “competencies”. But what does that actually mean? And...

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Attracting Talent Requires a Modern Makeover

Updating your EVP   Remember the days of attracting talent with ping pong tables and free snacks? In today’s job market, that’s the equivalent of offering black-and-white TV in the break room. Employees crave more than just perks; they want purpose, growth, and a sense of belonging. That’s where your Employee Value...

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6 (easy) Ways to Run a Team Meeting

Making the most of every minute   Knowing how to run an effective and productive meeting is crucial in any business. After all, meetings are essential to keeping your employees aligned, engaged, and motivated. They’re also vital to planning projects and preserving your company’s momentum. Unfortunately, hosting valuable meetings...

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Banish the Bullies

Dealing with Workplace Bullying   Bullying is something no one should have to deal with…EVER! While we often associate bullying with childhood, the reality is that bullies can follow people throughout their entire lives, impacting the performance, and culture of workplaces. While conflicts in the workplace are natural, there’s a...

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10 Reasons People Look for New Roles

What Really Drives People to Change Jobs   Despite an uncertain economy, employees are happy to abandon their roles if it means embracing a better work experience. According to a Gallop workplace survey over 96% of workers are looking for a new job. In a skill-short landscape, where it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find talent for...

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How to Improve Your Candidate Experience

3 Things to Keep in Mind   In the intricate dance of recruitment, there’s often a critical player who gets overlooked: the candidate. Their experience has a far-reaching impact, influencing not just the success of your hiring but also the reputation of your company. Imagine this: you’re a top-notch talent, brimming with potential....

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Attracting Top Talent Using Job Descriptions

Recruiting the best talent is no easy feat. Skill shortages, evolving employee expectations, and outdated hiring practices can leave many business leaders grappling with team gaps and decreased productivity. But fear not! Today, we’re diving into one major hiring challenge that may be hindering your success and how to conquer it – Job...

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It is time for a change?

A Guide to Switching Roles in Your Career   Stepping into a new role isn’t just a job change; it’s a life-changing decision. The evolving workplace offers numerous opportunities, making the prospect of considering a new role an exciting idea. It’s a chance to broaden your skills, follow your passions, and possibly enhance...

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Graceful Resignation

Navigating Your Exit Strategically   Leaving a job is a major life transition that often causes anxiety. Many people change jobs several times throughout their career, so you’ll likely need to resign at some point. No matter your reason for leaving, it’s important to approach the resignation conversation with the right mindset By...

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The Power of an Agile and Adaptable Workforce

Just like a vibrant storefront in the heart of a bustling city, the retail industry is forever evolving, mirroring the rhythm of the world around it. In this dynamic arena, surprises, twists, and turns are the norm – economies fluctuate, organizational structures shift, and gaps in talent emerge like patches of sunlight through the clouds. Yet,...

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Rise and Shine

Using Morning Routines for Career Success   The manner in which you begin your day can be a significant determinant in your overall mood, productivity, and path to success. It’s a ripple effect – the morning sets the tone for everything that follows. Many influential leaders and innovators vouch for the transformative power of their...

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The importance of body language in your interview

Nailing an interview is an art that extends beyond just saying the right words. The way you carry yourself, your subtle movements, and maintaining eye contact can send volumes of information to your interviewer. After all, it’s said that a whopping 55% of the cues we send during a conversation stem from body language. As interviewers engage...

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How to Build an Effective Talent Pipeline for Your Organization

Attract, Engage, and Retain Top Talent with a Strategic Pipeline   In our post-Covid world, having a strong talent pipeline is more crucial than ever. And the skills shortage that was present in almost every industry pre-Covid is still threatening organizational growth. When you’re recruiting, it’s not about the number of people you can...

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7 Common Qualities of High Performing Employees

As a business leader, it’s essential that you hire individuals onto your team who will thrive, which in turn allows your business to grow. The ‘right’ hire can make all the difference, just as hiring someone who isn’t exactly what you’re looking for can be harmful to your team and ultimately your success. The U.S. Department of Labor...

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6 Tips for Improving Your Interview Process

When it’s time to interview the shortlist of candidates for your vacancy, you need all the help you can get to ensure you eventually make the ‘right’ hire. Interviewing is a skill, and just because you are in a managerial position, that doesn’t mean that interviewing comes naturally to you. Likewise, just because you’ve been interviewing...

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Revitalizing Your Employer Brand

Navigating the Post-Pandemic Landscape   All businesses have an employer brand, whether they actively work on it or not. If you haven’t been giving much thought to your employer branding recently, then now is the time to start. Your employer brand is the way the world sees you; from your products and services, to your mission, vision, ethos...

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Unlocking Potential, Unleashing Success

Build a Thriving Workplace with DEI   The world of work has changed dramatically in recent years, and the pandemic has heightened awareness for the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Recently, there has been an increased realization from employers that they need to be doing more to promote diversity and inclusion. There...

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6 Strategies for Retaining Top Talent

As we are now living in a world that has been changed by the pandemic, your employee retention strategy must be better than ever.   A pre-pandemic Retention Report by the Work Institute (2019) found that “one in three workers would voluntarily leave their job by 2023”. And this has only increased due to significant shifts in the market due...

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Banish Interview Nerves for Good

Applying for a new role, and going through the recruitment process can be a daunting task for even the most experienced professional.   Interview nerves affect most people, but they can make the recruitment process more stressful than it needs to be for you, the candidate.   Your next job might be the start of something amazing – so...

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These 6 Signs Mean It’s Time to Look for a New Role

Naturally, we all go through periods of having exciting projects at work which make us fall in love with our roles again; and times when finding motivation is hard.   But if the thought of the end of the weekend and another week in work fills you with dread, this could be a sign that something is seriously wrong.   Either you’ve outgrown...

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Starting a New Role – 7 Strategies for Success

You’ve been offered a new role with a new company – Congratulations!   There are a few things to do now. First, celebrate and inform your current employer of your resignation.   Secondly, is to think about how you’re going to make a success of your new role. You know you have the right skills, abilities and experience that your new...

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How To Handle Interview Rejection

After days or weeks of getting ready for your interview, few things are more crushing than learning you haven’t been successful in getting the job. Rejection is difficult to deal with in any part of life, but it can be particularly upsetting when you’re striving for the perfect career.   However, rejection is also a common part of the job...

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Essential Training for Your New Hires

3 Areas of Focus   Taking the right approach to training your new hires is one of the most important things any employer can do. The right education and guidance set your employees up for success in any role and ensure they can thrive in your industry. What’s more, today’s employees crave training more than ever before. According...

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The 5 Signs of a Great Company to Join

Candidates are in an excellent position right now. With skill shortages plaguing the industry, there are more opportunities to move to great roles and companies than ever before. Moreover, you have more freedom about how you choose to work, with remote and hybrid roles emerging everywhere.   However, just because you have many options...

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Building the Ideal Onboarding and Development Plan

Support Employee Growth from Day One   Designing the perfect retail workforce doesn’t end with choosing the right candidate for each role. Ensuring each employee can achieve their full potential means creating a long-term development plan that aligns your new employees with your company culture, goals and the results you want to achieve. A...

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Elevate Your Interview Game: Avoid These Common Mistakes

Don’t Let These Mistakes Sabotage Your Interview Success   Interviews can be nerve-wracking at the best of times. When seeking a new job, the pressure to present oneself as trustworthy, skilled, reliable, and reputable can quickly become overwhelming. Although some degree of nervousness during an interview is common and acceptable,...

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Warning Signs Your Top Talent May Be Checking Out

5 Signs To Look For   The initial stage of building a thriving business involves finding the perfect talent for your team. But, it’s not enough to attract high-performing candidates to your workforce; you also need to take proactive measures to retain them. Keeping your top talent engaged and motivated is crucial to ensure long-term...

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Mastering Your First 30 Days

A Strategic Guide for Career Success   People seek new jobs for a variety of reasons: finding the better compensation, work/life balance, company culture, and growth opportunities. According to a survey shared in Entrepreneur, approximately 46% of workers plan on finding a new position in 2023. If you’re going to take the next step in your...

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6 Ways to Attract More Talent this Year

Finding the right talent for your company is no small feat, especially in today’s competitive market. As more organizations search for qualified candidates, skilled professionals have become increasingly scarce. In fact, research presented by Korn Ferry predicts that by 2030, there could be as many as 85 million unfilled roles due to a...

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How to decide if it’s time to leave your employer

Are you in the right role?   Considering leaving your current employer can be a major decision, and we understand that it can feel overwhelming. It’s natural to feel a bit apprehensive about starting a new role, meeting new people, and facing new challenges. Additionally, searching for a new job can be a bit daunting. Although...

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The Need for Speed: Why Hiring Fast is Critical in Today’s Job Market

You’re not alone if you’ve noticed that the time it takes to hire a candidate is increasing. According to a recent post from LinkedIn, the average hiring process now takes more than 40 days! While skill shortages may be partly to blame, the bigger issue is that many companies are taking too long to make decisions. We understand the...

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Steps to Managing Difficult Employee Conversations

6 Steps to Transform Difficult Conversations   Effective communication is crucial in any workplace, as it helps to align employees, build teamwork, and enhance performance. However, it’s not always easy to achieve. In fact, a staggering 86% of employees and executives identify poor communication as a primary cause of workplace...

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5 Green Flags to Look for in your Job Search

As the job market continues to evolve and expand, individuals now have a plethora of career options to choose from. However, with the multitude of possibilities available, finding the perfect company to join can be a daunting task. It’s crucial to consider several important factors such as culture, values, work-life balance, and growth...

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5 Red Flag Signs of a Toxic Work Environment

Creating a healthy work environment can be a game-changer for employees. When team members feel supported, collaborate with their colleagues, and are engaged in their work, they tend to be more productive and satisfied in their roles. Unfortunately, not all workplaces naturally foster this type of environment. According to Business Insider, around...

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Unlock Your Potential

Stand Out & Climb the Retail Ladder   The retail workplace is known for its competitive nature, with employees striving to impress their managers, leave a lasting impression on their colleagues, and establish a strong professional brand. This creates an environment where individuals are constantly vying for attention and...

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6 Ways to Improve Talent Acquisition

Finding the perfect talent for your company can be a challenging task, especially in today’s competitive job market. Over the past few years, there has been an increase in the number of organizations searching for skilled professionals, but unfortunately, the number of available candidates with the required skills has dwindled.   To put...

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How to Keep Your Team Engaged and Burnout-Free

Burnout is more than just a trendy term; it’s a genuine issue that many companies are facing. When employees experience burnout, it’s not just a matter of feeling overwhelmed or exhausted. They constantly grapple with the negative impact of stress, which makes it challenging for them to maintain their motivation, productivity, and...

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The Power of a Growth Mindset for Your Job Search

Setting out on a journey to a new professional role often feels like embarking on an adventure, complete with its array of critical tasks, from sharpening the edges of your LinkedIn profile to infusing new life into your resume. Yet, in the hustle of preparation, one aspect, as vital as the heart that beats within us, often gets overlooked –...

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