Revitalizing Your Employer Brand

Navigating the Post-Pandemic Landscape


All businesses have an employer brand, whether they actively work on it or not. If you haven’t been giving much thought to your employer branding recently, then now is the time to start.

Your employer brand is the way the world sees you; from your products and services, to your mission, vision, ethos and your team – yes, there is a lot to consider!

The question is – how should your employer brand be positioning your company in our post-pandemic world? The world has changed, and it is more crucial than ever that your employer brand is positioning you above your competitors.

In today’s blog, we look at the crucial elements of employer branding in our post-pandemic world.

What is Employer Branding?

Your employer brand is your talent attraction magnet. It’s also the way your customers view your business – the reason people interact with your organization and the way the wider world views your company.

But for the purpose of today’s article, we’re going to be focusing on employer brand in terms of talent attraction. And specifically, employer branding in our post-pandemic world. What worked pre-pandemic will not necessarily work now; the best talent is looking for certain things they weren’t a year ago, so let’s look at what they are.

A Considerate Brand

The pandemic has brought down barriers in ways that we could never have expected. Now more than ever what people are looking for from the organizations they interact with, and specifically the organizations they want to work for, is that they have a personal, considerate approach to being an employer.

People are now looking for reassurance and support wherever they turn – from their friends, their family, and especially their employer.

Transparency is key here too. If you’ve had to make lay-offs in certain areas, but senior management have received bonuses, how will this look to candidates who are researching your brand?

It can be tricky getting the balance here right, but everyone is aware of how tough things have been during the pandemic. Being honest and transparent about the decisions your business has made is key – candidates are increasingly turning away from brands that are seen to be dishonest about their practices.

A Focus on Health and Wellbeing

A big factor for candidates is how much of a focus you have on health and wellbeing. Wellbeing and particularly mental health have been gaining traction in the employment world for some time, but the pandemic has skyrocketed their importance. Your post-pandemic employer brand needs to ensure candidates that you are treating the health and wellbeing of your workforce with the utmost importance.

This includes:

Prioritizing clarity and caution – the virus hasn’t gone away yet, and brands who maintain an excellent focus on physically protecting their employees with excellent Covid-19 procedures will be viewed by candidates favorably.

– Offering flexible working (where possible) – allowing employees to work from home, and being flexible on the matter is what the best candidates will be looking for.

– Offering real help to support employee health and wellbeing – do you encourage physical health in your employees? Do you champion mental wellbeing and strive to be a compassionate employer – if so, will candidates know this from looking at your website or social media?

Showing that you are dedicated to health and wellbeing is not about bragging about it on social media – it’s about demonstrating your values in a way that’s easy for candidates to find and communicate your wellbeing offering in an honest and transparent way.

A Communicative Brand

Communication was the one thing that kept us together during the pandemic, and the way you continue to communicate with candidates during the ongoing crisis and afterwards will be a significant part of your employer brand going forwards.

Your social media channels are the first port of call for candidates to contact you, and your followers (which will include potential future candidates) are still the number one place to maintain your employer brand.

But some organizations stepped away from posting anything on social media during the pandemic. Some thought it insensitive; others simply didn’t know what to post during the highly changeable time. But posting online to maintain your employer brand doesn’t always have to be about self-promotion.

There are many different types of content you can share on your social channels to alert candidates to what type of employer you are, and what your company is focusing on in our post-pandemic world.

This can include:

– Industry updates

– Helpful articles which could be of interest to your employees and candidates including think pieces either from your own company or from an industry thought-leader

– Updates about your company – have you launched new products or services? Have you celebrated a milestone recently? Moved offices? People love to see ‘human’ updates from real people about real people (your team).

– And of course – your latest job openings.

Giving Candidates a Sense of Purpose

Finally, a sense of purpose is another major factor that great candidates are now looking for in their post-pandemic employers.

Meaningful work is increasingly what millennials are looking for – and this section of workers now makes up the largest part of the worldwide workforce.

The Deloitte 2020 talent survey states that employers should provide meaningful work or they will struggle to attract and retain their workforce.

What is it about your company that makes your employees feel as though they are making a positive difference to the world?


If you’re looking for new talent for your organization and are struggling to find the ‘right’ candidates – we can help. Get in touch with us at 919-813-2454 or email us at Info@TheBlackDiamondAgency.com and we will help you find the talent that you have been looking for.



Written by

Lileah Akiode


Lileah Akiode is the Managing Director of The Black Diamond Agency, a recruitment firm dedicated to connecting talented people with rewarding career opportunities. With a strong background in Talent Acquisition across different corporate retailers, Lileah brings a wealth of experience to ensure a seamless and positive candidate experience. In addition to corporate retail, Lileah also experience supporting the Financial Services and IT industries.


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Unlocking Potential, Unleashing Success

Build a Thriving Workplace with DEI


The world of work has changed dramatically in recent years, and the pandemic has heightened awareness for the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Recently, there has been an increased realization from employers that they need to be doing more to promote diversity and inclusion.

There are numerous benefits for both employers and their teams when equality, diversity and inclusion are championed in your business.

Today, we look at why this is and how to build a more diverse team.

Keeping Your Diversity and Inclusion Commitment

It is no secret to employers that a diverse team is a productive team.

A Harvard Business Review report found that when making decisions, teams with a diverse make-up outperformed individual decision-makers 87% of the time. Plus, diverse teams are proven to have increased innovation and creativity, have higher employee engagement, and they generate increased profits.

But unfortunately, during the ongoing Covid-19 situation, diversity and inclusion have slipped down the list of priorities for many organizations.

Diversity, equity and inclusion has certainly gained momentum in recent years as an important issue and should not be treated by employers as a ‘trend’ to dip in and out of when it suits them.

It is something that needs to be built into the mission, vision and ethos of your company.


Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that no individual should be discriminated against in the workplace due to their race, color, religion, sex and national origin. And yet, there is still a lot of work for many organizations to do to ensure they are operating an entirely equal and inclusive working environment.

So, let’s look at how employers can ensure they are championing diversity, equity and inclusion in their place of work.

1. Create a Culture of Equality

One of the more challenging elements of creating a fair and equal environment in your workplace is changing the climate that may have been in place for many years, sometimes even decades.

Management styles can get passed down through generations in organizations, as one set of managers and leaders replaces another and picks up subtle ways of working, which can become set within the company ethos.

At best, this can include acting and behaving a certain way which only serves a few individuals out of a whole team, hiring the same type of people. At worst, it can mean actively shunning certain groups of people – and remember, this can be done consciously and subconsciously (we will discuss unconscious bias in more detail in the next section).

So, to combat inequality, and cultivate a culture of equality, this needs to be addressed at the most basic level by including an equality, diversity and inclusion article in your company mission statement.

But including an equality objective in your organization is just the first step.

Remember to continually review and evaluate your policies and procedures to ensure that equality is present in:

  • Your recruitment

  • Career opportunities and promotion decisions

  • Learning and development

  • Disciplinary procedures

  • Performance management

Next, let’s look at tackling unconscious bias in your workplace.

2. Managing Unconscious Bias

Unconscious bias can affect all of us, and it’s essential that it is managed effectively in your organization, from whom you choose to employ, who you choose to promote, which members of the team you ‘prefer’ working with and how members of your team engage with each other.

Of course, we are naturally attracted to people with whom we can find common ground, and this affects the way we interact with others both in the workplace and out of it.

You could look into training programs for the entire team on how to spot and tackle unconscious bias – this type of bias is so ingrained that we often don’t realize that it’s happening.

There are also some ways to spot and stop unconscious bias in your workplace, including:

  • Being aware of the potential for unconscious bias – talking about it with employees and making them aware of how their interactions can affect others.

  • Question yourself and the decisions you make regularly – have you chosen a certain individual for a new project because they are the best person for the job, or because you tend to favor them?

  • Create a support network for employees – let them know that if they feel they have been overlooked or singled out due to a bias, that there will always be support for them and that you will actively work to remedy this.

Finally, let’s look at the easiest place to champion diversity and inclusion in your workplace – your recruitment process.

Championing Diversity in Your Recruitment Process

If you are committed to increasing diversity, equity and inclusion in your organization, your recruitment process is where you can start to make positive changes.

Recruitment can be a complex and emotionally-charged event.

Many employers and hiring managers have very stringent ideas of whom they believe they are looking for, for a particular role. And of course, this affects the potential for a diverse workforce.

Whether conscious or not, it is a fact that hiring managers like to hire people who remind them of themselves. But this makes for a very un-diverse workforce.

What can be done to reduce bias in your recruitment process?

You can introduce blind skills challenges, make use of AI in your recruitment process or use new and different channels to advertise your roles. You can also work with a dedicated recruiter.

Working with a recruiter will allow you to reduce the amount of bias in your recruitment process, not only as they will work as a mediator between the company and the candidates, which allows for a completely unbiased selection process. But they can also challenge your ideas of the kind of candidate you are looking for and can locate candidates that you would never have been able to access when working alone.

To find out more about how to champion diversity, equity and inclusion in your organization by working with a recruiter, you can contact us at 919-813-2454 or email us at Info@TheBlackDiamondAgency.com.

Remember – creating a diverse workforce leads to higher engagement, greater productivity and is better professionally and personally for every member of your team.


Written by

Lileah Akiode


Lileah Akiode is the Managing Director of The Black Diamond Agency, a recruitment firm dedicated to connecting talented people with rewarding career opportunities. With a strong background in Talent Acquisition across different corporate retailers, Lileah brings a wealth of experience to ensure a seamless and positive candidate experience. In addition to corporate retail, Lileah also experience supporting the Financial Services and IT industries.


AI Tips and Tricks: How To Improve Candidate Engagement

The AI-Powered Recruitment Strategy   In the competitive landscape of talent acquisition, candidate engagement isn’t just a nicety—it’s a strategic imperative. Imagine transforming your recruitment process from a transactional interaction to a relationship-building journey that turns people into brand advocates. The Engagement...

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AI Tips and Tricks: Make Your LinkedIn Profile a Recruiter Magnet

How to Attract Opportunities Like a Pro   Your LinkedIn profile is more than just a collection of job titles—it’s your digital business card, your elevator pitch, and often, the first impression you make on recruiters. But let’s be honest: Is your profile really doing its job? Is it optimized to stand out in a sea of people and catch...

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How AI Can Help You Craft Inclusive Job Descriptions   As company Leaders, you’re not just recruiting talent—you’re shaping the future of your organization. But here’s a challenge to consider: could subtle biases in your job descriptions be closing doors to exceptional candidates? Phrases like “rockstar” or lists of...

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6 Strategies for Retaining Top Talent

As we are now living in a world that has been changed by the pandemic, your employee retention strategy must be better than ever.


A pre-pandemic Retention Report by the Work Institute (2019) found that “one in three workers would voluntarily leave their job by 2023”. And this has only increased due to significant shifts in the market due to Covid-19.


The effects of the pandemic are going to be felt in organizations for years to come, and so employee retention needs to be a key focus in order to ensure you are keeping your team engaged and satisfied in their roles.


Hiring for replacement team members is not something any company wants to be doing right now, and so an excellent employee retention strategy is essential.


The following 6 strategies will help.

1. Discover Who You’re Overlooking

To ensure you are providing excellent leadership for your entire team and making them feel valued, first, it is essential that you find out if you are overlooking anyone in your team.


Teams will naturally include individuals with a variety of skills, experience and personality types.


But in most teams, there will also be team members who shine brighter than others – extroverts tend to get noticed more than introverts, some team members are more likely to speak up if they have a problem whereas others will try to work through challenges on their own.


As a leader, it is essential that everyone is getting the right amount of support that they need and that you are not overlooking anyone.


Leaders will naturally look to middle managers and other higher-profile employees, but to be a great leader, you must ensure the highest level of employee retention – remember that each and every team member must feel valued and supported.

2. Create Unlimited Opportunities for Growth

According to this LinkedIn Workforce Learning Report, 93% of employees would stay longer with their employer if they invested more in developing their careers.

Many employers will get to the point where they have a great team in place and think that their job is ‘done’.


But continual training and development is a key part of every employee retention strategy, and we find that talented candidates who look for new roles often cite a desire to develop themselves and their career further as a reason for leaving.


No-one wants to be stuck in a role where they feel as though progression is an unlikely possibility. So, invest in robust training and development for your team – it can be anything from personal development training to allowing them time to learn new skills.

3. Demonstrate Excellent Values and Ethics

The most desirable employees are looking for employers with meaningful values and ethics. And this has been accelerated by the pandemic. We are all thinking much more about what is really important to us, and working for a company they believe in is high on every employee’s list of priorities.


Employees are more empowered than ever, with social media and online review culture creating an environment where the need to be honest and transparent is more crucial than ever. How active is your company at demonstrating your values and ethics? Do you champion diversity and inclusion? Are you financially transparent?


Fail to demonstrate excellent values, and you risk losing your employees to a more ethical company.

4. Give Employees a Purpose

It is not enough to give employees a fair remuneration package – employees are increasingly looking for a greater sense of purpose in their work.


The best way to find out if your employees feel a sense of meaning and purpose in their work is to talk to them. Ask them what is important to them in their roles and make any alterations you can to help them feel a greater sense of purpose. This could involve introducing tools to make their jobs easier, and thus, more valued, or working together to identify stretch assignments or projects they can work on to continue growing in their career.


Also, create a mission statement which helps employees to understand how their work positively impacts the world.

5. Enhance Your Employer Brand

Your employer brand is the thread that links employees to the organization – all employees want to work for a company which they feel aligned to.


Look closely at what your competitors are doing – if you slip in terms of promoting and maintaining an excellent employer brand, this gives employees the opportunity to look elsewhere and to be tempted to leave to work for a brand with a better reputation and culture.


Your digital footprint is key in creating a strong employer brand which your employees will feel proud to be a part of. Think about what you post and how often. Employees like to see that their employer is actively engaged in current topics, is invested in the wellbeing of the team and is a transparent and communicative employer.


Get your employees involved in team strengthening events, use your social media to champion your current employees – celebrate birthdays, life events and little wins within the organization.


And finally, let’s look at how a great recruitment strategy is always essential when it comes to employee retention.

6. Get Your Recruitment Strategy Right

Employee retention all starts with your recruitment process. When you start your employees off on the right foot with an excellent recruitment and onboarding process, this sets the tone for a mutually beneficial employer-employee relationship.

Studies reveal that the better the onboarding process, the lower the turnover.


A shocking 20% of employee turnover happens within the first 45 days, and this is mostly due to a poor onboarding process.


Onboarding is part of the recruitment process, and yet many employers believe that recruitment stops the moment the candidate accepts the job offer. Invest in your recruitment and onboarding process, and you will start to see a higher rate of employee retention.


A certain amount of staff turnover is unavoidable. But follow the steps in this guide to improve unnecessary employee turnover in your organization.


It’s never easy to lose a great employee, but when you work with a specialized recruiter, they can help you create the right recruitment and onboarding process to ensure your retention rates remain high, increasing employee engagement and lowering your overall costs of recruitment.


To find out how we can help you find your next talented team member, get in touch with us at 919-813-2454 or email us at Info@TheBlackDiamondAgency.com.


Written by

Lileah Akiode


Lileah Akiode is the Managing Director of The Black Diamond Agency, a recruitment firm dedicated to connecting talented people with rewarding career opportunities. With a strong background in Talent Acquisition across different corporate retailers, Lileah brings a wealth of experience to ensure a seamless and positive candidate experience. In addition to corporate retail, Lileah also experience supporting the Financial Services and IT industries.


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The AI-Powered Recruitment Strategy   In the competitive landscape of talent acquisition, candidate engagement isn’t just a nicety—it’s a strategic imperative. Imagine transforming your recruitment process from a transactional interaction to a relationship-building journey that turns people into brand advocates. The Engagement...

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How to Attract Opportunities Like a Pro   Your LinkedIn profile is more than just a collection of job titles—it’s your digital business card, your elevator pitch, and often, the first impression you make on recruiters. But let’s be honest: Is your profile really doing its job? Is it optimized to stand out in a sea of people and catch...

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