Warning Signs Your Top Talent May Be Checking Out

5 Signs To Look For


The initial stage of building a thriving business involves finding the perfect talent for your team. But, it’s not enough to attract high-performing candidates to your workforce; you also need to take proactive measures to retain them. Keeping your top talent engaged and motivated is crucial to ensure long-term success for your company.

In today’s competitive job market, employees have numerous opportunities to switch employers if they are not satisfied with their current jobs. As a result, retaining top talent has become more important than ever. Employees may leave a company for various reasons, such as lack of job satisfaction, disinterest in the company’s vision, issues with colleagues or managers, among others. However, up to 75% of turnovercan be prevented, making it crucial to identify signs that employees may be planning to leave. In this post, we will share some signs to consider.

1. Reduced Involvement in Long-Term Projects and Growth

When an employee decides to leave a company, they may become less involved in long-term projects and growth strategies. They may spend more time on short-term tasks and delegate long-term work to others. If you notice your employees are no longer investing in their future with the company, offer insights into progression opportunities they may miss if they leave.

2. Visible Signs of Stress

Burnout has become a significant occupational phenomenon, causing employees to disengage from the workplace, show exhaustion, and look for alternative work opportunities. Track your employee’s mental and physical health, looking for signs of exhaustion, negativity towards colleagues, and a slower-than-usual pace in their workflow. If you notice burnout symptoms, speak to your employee about how to help manage their workload.

3. Reduced Creativity and Initiative

When employees plan to leave a company, they may stop actively contributing to its growth, become quieter in meetings, and stop sharing ideas for development. They may no longer feel inspired by the company’s mission or values. Give your team members regular feedback, recognize and reward their hard work to inspire them to contribute.

4. Focusing More on External Networking

Networking is important for a thriving career, but focusing more on external networking than building internal relationships may be a sign an employee is looking for new opportunities. Encourage bonding with colleagues through team-building exercises and more consistent internal communication.

5. Decreased Performance

Disengaged employees may show performance issues, such as making more errors, negative customer feedback, and colleagues complaining about their performance. Instead of engaging in disciplinary action, speak to your team member to discover what is happening behind the scenes.

To prevent disengagement, burnout, and “quiet quitting,” recognize these signs, and take action to re-ignite your staff’s passion for your company.


Written by

Lileah Akiode


Lileah Akiode is the Managing Director of The Black Diamond Agency, a recruitment firm dedicated to connecting talented people with rewarding career opportunities. With a strong background in Talent Acquisition across different corporate retailers, Lileah brings a wealth of experience to ensure a seamless and positive candidate experience. In addition to corporate retail, Lileah also experience supporting the Financial Services and IT industries.


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